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Beneath the Mask: Images of the Year – The Kavanaugh Hearing.

Images of the year. The Kavanaugh hearing.

I think nothing speaks to 2018 in America more than the Kavanaugh hearing. So, hear we go… lots of images of very, very angry people. And one beautiful CHARMED cast member…

“Let’s not turn this into a repeat of the John Adams hearing, you old buzzard! Now someone find my teeth!”
I have not been this darned angry since SMASH was cancelled!
Hmmm… not buying the “confirmed bachelor” story…
“I’m pretty sure these Crackers are not digging your Maya Angelou quotes….”
These mudbloods have no idea the pain awaiting them when my Lord Voldemort returns. Except for Graham, who can be my House Elf.
“How did I get outside again? And where is my Spanish horse, Alfredo?”
This will teach that bully Cruz to stop calling me Snow Flake. Get ready for Jeff to be a hero. Then a Flake.
“I am personally outraged by what is going on in this room, America and generally with my career. Now I have to return to photo bombing that fathead Kavanaugh…”
“I am deeply offended that you would question my character and integrity. I would normally stay and have you flogged, but I’m late on voting for a bill to give Exxon more money, then I have to fly home in a government jet to dedicate another federally funded building named after me…”
Taking that payoff years ago to oppose sunscreen has not turned out well…
You can pull me down all you want, Miss Chinese Senator, but don’t you ever take a shot at Squi. Squi worked damned hard that summer on his upper body and legs. And so did PJ, though mainly on his biceps. And it showed when we beat the crap out of St. Albans. 35 to 7. 35 to 7!!!

About Marty 112 Articles
Hollywood screenwriter, reformed attorney and worshiper of the tiny princesses on Monster Island. Became a nerd as a child, thanks to lack of athletic ability, which turned me on to fantasy novels, scifi movies, and not having girlfriends. Favorite projects I've worked on as writer - various tv shows, adapting BBC SILK for the U.S., and the Japanese anime BLACKJACK. Oh and I also wrote the #1 Wondery podcast, MANslaughter.

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