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Christmas Cats!

Back by absolutely no demand. Once again, the basement has been crashed through, as another record low is discovered for this site. Christmas Cats… again! For like the tenth friggin’ time. What could be more purrrrfect for the holiday!

I am vomiting over this cuteness. Literally.
These cats look like Frat dicks. Just saying.
Really cute, but the cat clearly is a sociopath.
Pretty sure they are about to be executed by the sociopath cat.
What? You took this cute picture and moments later no longer had a living cat? Shocking.
Another cat found dead under the tree. Trees, electricity and cats don’t mix.
These are f-ing festive cats.
Third cat found under the tree following a staged photo. Cat owners are grossly negligent.
What is with these cats playing with electricity! This is freaking me out. No wonder dogs are winning.
Now this is genuinely adorable. Though the cat on the right seems to have a severe mouth deformity.
This cat is so pissed. And the owner clearly lives alone. But at least he appears to be safe.

Merry Christmas cats.

About Marty 112 Articles
Hollywood screenwriter, reformed attorney and worshiper of the tiny princesses on Monster Island. Became a nerd as a child, thanks to lack of athletic ability, which turned me on to fantasy novels, scifi movies, and not having girlfriends. Favorite projects I've worked on as writer - various tv shows, adapting BBC SILK for the U.S., and the Japanese anime BLACKJACK. Oh and I also wrote the #1 Wondery podcast, MANslaughter.

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