Following my very doomed prediction that 2018 would exceed 2017, I decided to head to Iceland to actually prove that elves live there -given their government recognizes their existence (no joke). Like Iceland’s ambition to be recognized as a real country, and not just a bachelor party destination for East coast banker larvae, I failed. Though I did spot a Sasquatch. Take that Finding Bigfoot! But the trip was not a total waste of my valuable time, as on my return Container Ship to the States, I had my Vanagon washed by some Dutch refugees… and while waiting for the soapy water to dry on its rusty exterior, had the following observations…
There’s not as much vodka in a bottle of vodka as you’d hope.
My only alternative to the void is Catholic hell.
Gout is making a comeback – at least in my sock.
If Lloth had more than 66 hit points, my D&D character, Inferno, never would have attained godhood. Sparing Furyondi great suffering…
The swarthy people washing my car are not Dutch.
I have a bad feeling that this anti-bullying campaign is gonna lose us a war.
I’m terrified to watch This Is Us in a group, as my laughter could be misconstrued.
I have a Friend on Facebook I need to block. She’s just too upset about the world. And wordy.
I’m pretty sure that Stranger Things is done after next season.
I just saw a Filipino deckhand fall off the boat. Yet we’re not stopping.
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